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openUrl Easy elements

How to Open a New URL With Vaazo

Many formulas will begin with or include a simple task called “Open URL”.

When creating a new formula it will be the first thing that shows up and you can enter your URL here. If not, you can make an Open URL element in the already made formula. Click on the element to add it to the formula and then click the “edit” icon.

Now, there are multiple options where to get your URL address.

You can type it in as a string or get it from previously gathered data, the parent, or even a list of URLs.

Then you can add the URL parameter key and the value that can also be entered as a string or data key. It may be different from site to site, but in many cases URL parameters are used for searching keywords, sorting, and filtering the results.

When it is done, hit ‘update”. Save and run the formula.

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